Corporate RPAS Operations Manual Development
The OPERATIONS MANUAL, is without any doubt the most important document for any company or individual conducting RPAS services and operations. The Brampton Flight Centre has a team of experts that are able to help create, write, and, update this important manual.

Listed below are some of the requirements of an operations manual Operations Manuals are specific to the individual or corporation and are seldom generic.
The Operations Manual Has To
- Point out the tasks and responsibilities which belong to the members of the organization. The person in charge of the operation could also be the supervisor of the continuing airworthiness management.
- Include conditions and procedures for the use of each type of sRPAS of the fleet, concerning the mission typology, related to the air, the airspace and to every necessary measure to adopt in order to protect the other parts on the ground and in flight.
- List the equipment which must be present during the operation and which must function well for every operation typologies.
- Specify the responsibilities the pilot and the crew are required to have for each type of activity, in order to undertake the mission as best as they can.
- Identify the right maintenance program.
- Specify the qualification level of the staff. This staff is in charge of the maintenance, of the training procedures and of the qualifications adopted.
- Specify the list of pilots, with their relative qualifications
- Establish the crew coordinating procedures, especially, it must define the responsibilities for VLOS operations, the hand-over possible procedures, the observers’ tasks.
- Establish the checks to be made before starting the flight activity
- Establish an operations recording system
- Define the necessary operations to observe, in case of incidents and inconveniences.
- Define the operations area (and identify obstacles and limitations) by using aeronautical maps and other geographical maps released by authorized companies.
- Establish a take off zone, a landing zone and state a specific rescue area in case of emergency.
- Define the procedures about how to insert taking off and landing coordinates, limits of missions and rescue areas in the system.
- Define security measures, including the ones which prevent unauthorized people from entering in the system or in the operation area
- Define contingency procedures.
For more information on having us assist with the development of your Operations manual contact us